So after years of considering I decided to grow out my relaxer. Like a lot of women who transition, as a child I had thick, curly hair. I got my first relaxer in the 6th grade. At the time, I was one of the only girls in my grade who hadn't gotten on the "creamy crack".
So of course, I've been on the creamy crack for years. Trying and experimenting with different styles, I've watched my once thick hair thin out. From coloring to weaving and just wearing the wrap, I can honestly say I've worn the relaxer style to death.
It took me awhile to get the courage to finally say I was going to go natural. I kept saying my face was too round (Its a perfect circle and I have fat cheeks), but when it came down to it, I said "Its my natural hair! How could it not look right for the shape of my face?"
So I'm going to share my journey, pass on what I learn and I hope other natural women or "transitioners" can give me pointers.